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Think before you speak ♥

Wednesday 1 April 2015

There will never be enough words for me to discuss the topic of bullying. Although bullying was around before social media I feel as though the issue has rapidly increased in seriousness since social media is more commonly used. Instead of just having a bitch or an argument with someone on a playground it can now drag onto social media and become an attack from numerous people on just one person. Although, there are many good things about social media the fact that it promotes cyber bullying is NOT one of them. 

I don't know what goes through the minds of bullies but I do know one thing if you bully someone to gain respect or to look cool in front of your friends. How is dragging someone down funny? How is it cool? How is it respectful? I'm sorry but actually it makes you look like a complete arse hole and that's to put in kindly.

If you're bullying people to make yourself feel better believe me bringing someone down will never help you reach the top. 

Do people not realize the consequences that their words can have on people? It is not fucking okay for you to describe people with words such as fat, anorexic, ugly, a whore. People are humans with a beating heart, a brain and feelings. I swear some people disregard that when they decide to not think before they open their mouth. 

A lot of the things bullies bully people for are the things that they are already so insecure about it's because they know it's a weakness. They know it will hurt them. And if that isn't sick or twisted then I don't know what is.. 

It is NEVER okay to tell someone to go and kill themselves. Fuck, suicide is a big enough problem in the world as it is and you are willing to contribute to that are you? No-one deserves to have there life taking away from them. And just because you want to bring someone down to look cool or to make yourself feel better that is NO reason whatsoever to tell someone to go and die. 
Sometimes bullies go so far that people can't even bare to look in the mirror anymore, or your words can have such a mental impact on them it can lead them to anxiety about leaving the house or making eye contact. Self confidence takes a while to build up and I've only just got to the point myself where I like who I am as a person and literally it could take one person to say one thing to bring it all crashing down. 
You never know what someone is fighting behind closed doors. So why don't we just be supportive and nice to each other instead of trying to drag each other down?  It really isn't worth it and it will resort in both parties becoming unhappy. 

There is something beautiful about EVERYONE in this world whether you can see it or not. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

When is bullying okay? Fucking never. 

Think about what you say before you say it. Words hurt. 

Thank you for reading. 


Just be you ♥

Sunday 29 March 2015

You can stand in a room full of thirty people without saying a word and people would immediately make an assumption on you. In fact, you could even be standing in a room with one other person without saying a word and they would immediately make an assumption on you. It takes the brain approximately seven seconds to create a first impression on someone. Can we change that?

You can be in an active conversation with someone that you've only known for half an hour and within that time they could already have taken an immediate dislike to you. Can we change that? 
You can know a group of thirty people for two years and only two people could like or dislike you. Can we change that?

Of course, the answers to these three statements is no. We cannot do anything to change peoples opinions about us whether they've known us for seven seconds or seven years. 
A lot of people are afraid to be who they are in fear of judgement from people surrounding them but the truth is we all get judged by everyone at some point whether it be good or bad. So why should we be afraid of being yourself because of something that is inevitable?

 Being born into this world is a gift and to spend most of it being afraid to be who you are is pointless. If being you isn't hurting anybody why should you be afraid of what some else thinks? 
A lot of people are made to apologize for who they are and it isn't right. Apologize for hurting someone, apologize for a mistake you made or apologize for not handing in a piece of homework. Never apologize for who you are. Never. Being who you are is real and in a world full of fakes being real is essential.

One of the things I fail to understand is why people are quick to discriminate people for things that they cannot change such as gender, sexuality or race.We all have a gender, we all have a race and we all have a sexuality. Just because their skin colour may be different to yours or they prefer men over women that doesn't mean that you have any right to judge. People are aloud to prefer people who are the same sex as they are just as straight people are aloud to prefer people of the opposite sex. What difference does it make to their life anyway? Absolutely none.

Love who you want, be what you want, do what you want and live how you want to because before we all know it we won't be young anymore. Do you really want to look back at your life full of regret just because you were afraid of what people may think? 
The world is your oyster. Shape it how you want.

Thank you for reading